Scientific Organizing Commitee :
- Jean-Pierre Véran (chair): NRC-HIA, Canada
- Thierry Fusco (co-chair): ONERA / DOTA, France
- Yann Clénet (co-chair): LESIA / Observatoire de Paris-CNRS, France
- Antonin Bouchez: GMT, USA
- Rodolphe Conan: ANU, Australia
- Jean-Gabriel Cuby: LAM, France
- Richard Davies: MPE, Germany
- Brent Ellerbroek: TMT, USA
- Simone Esposito: INAF-Arcetri, Italy
- Yutaka Hayano: Subaru, Japan
- Paul Hickson: University of British Columbia, Canada
- Norbert Hubin: ESO, Germany
- Markus Kasper: ESO, Germany
- Matthew Kenworthy: Leiden University, Netherlands
- Olivier Lardière: University of Victoria, Canada
- Michael Lloyd-Hart: University of Arizona, USA
- Claire Max: UCSC, USA
- Richard Myers: University of Durham, UK
- François Rigaut: Gemini Observatory, Chile
- Thomas Rimelle: NSO, USA
- Naranjan Thatte: University of Oxford, UK
- Mitchell Troy: JPL, USA
» Contact the SOC
Logistic Organizing Commitee :
- Colin Bradley: University of Victoria, Canada
- Yann Clénet: LESIA / Observatoire de Paris-CNRS, France
- Sylvain Cnudde: LESIA / Observatoire de Paris-CNRS, FRance
- Thierry Fusco: ONERA / DOTA, France
- Florence Henry: LESIA / Observatoire de Paris-CNRS, France
- Olivier Lardière, University of Victoria, Canada
- Lori Muck, University of Victoria, Canada
- Marlene Olsen, NRC-HIA, Canada
- Brenda Parrish, NRC-HIA, Canada
- Renaud Romagnan, LESIA / Observatoire de Paris, France
- Marie-Thérèse Velluet, ONERA / DOTA, France
- Jean-Pierre Véran: NRC-HIA, Canada
» Contact the LOC