Second announcement - Call for papers

(French Version)

Breaking news: the abstract due date deadline is postponed to May 11

The Science Organizing Committee (SOC) of the AO4ELT2 conference is inviting the community to submit original papers to be presented at the Conference, and published in the Proceedings of the Conference. Papers must be submitted in the form of a 300-word abstract prior to April 30th through the conference website: Accepted papers will be presented during the conference as either oral or poster contributions. Shortly after the conference, the authors will be asked to provide a full paper (up to 10-pages long), which will be published as part of the Conference Proceedings.

The Conference will cover the following topics:

• Status of current ELT AO instrument projects

• New proposed AO concepts;

• Science requirements for AO instruments on ELTs, and how these requirements impact the design of the instruments, especially related to enabling quantitative science (e.g. photometry and astrometry);

• Wave-front correction;

• Wave-front sensing;

• Laser guide star systems;

• Advances in AO control, including real-time control algorithms, optimization processes and supporting hardware;

• AO modeling and simulation;

• Characterization and modeling of the disturbances faced by AO, including atmosphere, sodium layer and disturbances induced by the observatories themselves;

• Advances in solar AO, and how they relate to nighttime AO on ELTs

• Pathfinders to enable AO on ELTs, including lab experiments, field experiments, and results / lessons learned from AO instruments on the current generation of telescopes.

• Post-processing of AO data

Important deadlines

- May 11, 2011: Abstract due date

- Jul 1, 2011: Final conference program announcement

- Aug 1, 2011: End of early registration

- Sep 25-30, 2011: AO4ELT 2011 conference

PDF - 22.2 Mb
AO for ELT 2 conference poster

Attached documents

AO for ELT 2 conference poster
PDF, 22.2 Mb