Your registration will be definitive only after the payment. Before going through this payment step you have to pre-registrate.
Registration fees are $350 CDN before August 1 and $500 CDN after. These registration fees include the welcome reception, the conference dinner and the proceedings.
The cancellation policy is the following: before August 1, 2011, a full refund will be issued minus a $30 administration fee but after Augst 1, 2011, no refunds will be issued.
If you would like to pay by cheque, click here to retrieve the payment form, that you have to send us with your cheque.
If you would like to pay by credit card, click here to register on the UVIC payment website and make your payment. Note that this UVIC payment website has its dedicated private area and login identification, different from the present conference website private area. You are advised to use the same login on both website (conference and payment).