Vibration Suppression Algorithms for NFIRAOS on TMT


C. Correia (a) , J.-P. Véran (a) , G. Herriot (a) , B. Ellerbroek (b), L. Wang (b), L. Gilles (b)


a – Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics; b – Thirty Meter Telescope


Vibration suppression in Astronomical Adaptive Optics (AO) systems has gathered great attention in the context of next-generation instrumentation for current telescopes and future Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs). This paper focus on the application of a novel multi-rate algorithm formulated in [Correia et al 2011][1] to the 1st-light Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Facility (NFIRAOS) for the Thirty-Meter Telescope (TMT).

Numerical results cover the case of several vibration peaks with variable peak width based on telemetry from the Keck observatory. This algorithm is compared to other two solutions at sampling frequencies in the range [20–800] Hz, required to sense stars with magnitudes from mv=12 − 22 in H-band. Efficient methods to identify vibrations from closed-loop telemetry data are also discussed.

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