At the conference

Conference Floor Plan:

Please take a minute to familiarize yourself with the conference floor plan

Registration Desk:

When you arrive at the Conference Centre, you need to check-in at the Registration Desk in the “Pre-Function” area, to get your conference badge and information package. The Registration Desk will be available throughout the conference to provide general information about the conference, and about Victoria. The registration desk will be open at the following times:

  • Sunday: 4pm – 9pm
  • Monday: 8am – 4pm
  • Tue – Thu: 8:30am – 4pm
  • Friday: Closed

Oral presentations:

Each oral presentation is assigned a 20 minutes time slot (30 minutes for invited papers). In order to keep on schedule, we ask each speaker to limit their talk to a maximum of 15 minutes (25 minutes for invited speakers), to leave enough time for a few questions and a smooth transition to the next talk.

We require that each speaker checks-in with their session chair at the presenter podium during the break preceding their session (at the latest), and to upload their talk onto a memory stick that we will provide. The presenter will be given the choice to run their presentation on either a Mac or a PC. Presentation softwares that we will support include PowerPoint, Keynote and Adobe Reader. If you have different requirements, please contact the LOC as soon as possible.

We are planning to make the presentation available on the conference website on the following night. If you do not want your talk to be uploaded to the conference website, please inform the LOC.

Poster presentations:

Posters will displayed in the Saanich and Oak Bay rooms. They will be placed on 8ftx4ft boards, with 2 posters on each board side. Therefore, the maximum size of a poster is 4ftx4ft. We will provide pins and velcros to attach the posters.

Posters must be set-up between 4pm Sunday Sep 25 and 10:30am Monday Sep 26. They must be taken down by the end of Thursday Sep 29. The program includes three dedicated breaks, on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, but attendees will be encouraged to view the posters during all the breaks Monday through Thursday.

Internet connection:

Wireless Internet connection will be available for free throughout the conference. Connection details will be given upon registration.

Exhibit booths:

A few exhibit booths will be set-up in the “Pre-Function” area on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. These booths will allow some of our sponsors to present information and products relevant to the field of AO.