After the conference - Proceedings

General information

After reviewing by the chairs, proceedings will be published by ONERA under three possible formats: in a book, in a CD and online (which is the default format).

You have to choose your desired format by answering a poll by the end of February 2012.


- Manuscript due date is 29 February 2012.
- Manuscripts must not exceed 8 pages for regular contributions and 10 pages for invited speakers.
- The Word and LaTex templates are provided below. The latter is preferred.
- Figures and images in the articles must have a resolution larger than 300 dpi.
- Authors have to check the correct appearance of their article after printing.
- Authors then have to submit in PDF format their article here. The size of the PDF file must be 10 Mo maximum !
- If you have any problem with your proceedings, please inform the LOC (loc.ao4elt2 at

Special instructions for the LaTeX compilation

If you are a Mac user, in particular using the TeXShop software, compiling using the "pdftex" option leads to a bad rendering of the pdf file. You should instead choose between the two following solutions:
- compiling you tex file with the option "TeX and DVI" instead of "pdftex"
- compiling in a terminal: "latex yourfile.tex" and "dvipdf yourfile.dvi"

Attached documents

Word template
Word, 22.6 kb

latex template
Zip, 13.4 kb