Towards MOAO on the ELT: the CANARY program
E. Gendron, T. Morris, F. Vidal, A. Basden, M. Brangier, Z. Hubert, R. Myers, G. Rousset, F. Chemla, A. Longmore, T. Butterley, N. Dipper, C. Dunlop, D. Geng, D. Gratadour, D. Henry, P. Laporte, N. Looker, D. Perret, A. Sevin, G. Talbot, E. Younger
Observatoire de Paris (France), Durham University (UK), UKATC (UK)
From the very early concept presented in 2001 at the Venice conference ’Beyond Conventional AO’, to the first on-sky MOAO prototype systems, exactly 10 years have elapsed. End of 2010, the pathfinder instrument called Canary obtained the first open-loop, tomographically compensated images on the WHT. What were the challenges, and what was demonstrated ? How long will it take for real astronomical MOAO system to be installed on an ELT, and what will be the future steps ? We present the Canary program, and discuss how these achievement contribute to build the future MOAO systems of the ELT.